That nutty cat next door got in last night just to claw up the toilet paper.
Twenty-Two Years!!
I tore up a four-foot-tall Ficus tree that my mom bought as a 5-inch-tall plant and nurtured for TWENTY-TWO YEARS! (After walking past no fewer than 12 of my own chew-toys.)
Dirty Dog
I just had a bath and then rolled in the hay
Man-Eating Guinea Pig
My Guinea pig, Snowball, repeatedly bit my hand when I was trying to offer her some hay.
Everything is mine
She Was (Hilariously) Naughty!
Now I have a good excuse to do this!
What new rug?
Can’t leave her for 5 minutes
What Bed???
They left me alone for 5 minutes; I was bored!!
i pooped in my mom’s food and she thought it was meat!
Cocoa Wants Food
I meow pleadingly for food… even though my belly is full and so is my bowl.